Deciphering Tooth Sensitivity | Dentist in Columbus

July 15, 2024

Tooth sensitivity often proves to be an irksome and uncomfortable ordeal. It manifests as a sharp or shooting pain triggered by stimuli such as extreme temperatures, sweet or sour foods, or even mere exposure to air. Statistics suggest that around 1 in 8 individuals grapple with tooth sensitivity at some juncture in their lives. In […]

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Deciphering the Role of Sugar in Cavities: Insights from Family 1st Dental | Columbus Dentist

July 1, 2024

Sugar often bears the brunt of blame for cavity formation, but the truth behind dental caries, or cavities, is more nuanced. These dental issues stem from bacteria in the mouth that metabolize carbohydrates, including sugar, to produce acid. This acid corrodes tooth enamel, paving the way for decay and cavity formation. While sugar is indeed […]

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Unveiling the Connection Between Gum Disease and Cancer: Insights from Family 1st Dental – Columbus | 68601 Dentist

June 15, 2024

Gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease, poses a significant oral health challenge affecting millions worldwide. Stemming from bacterial infection of the gum tissue, it triggers inflammation, bleeding, and, if left untreated, eventual tooth loss. While traditionally linked to oral health issues, recent studies have hinted at a possible association between gum disease and cancer. […]

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Is Your Oral Health at Risk from Your Medications? | Dentist Near Me

June 1, 2024

At Family 1st Dental – Columbus, we prioritize your overall well-being, including your oral health. Did you know that the medications you take could potentially affect your teeth and gums? Here’s what you need to know, with Dentist Columbus always ready to assist you: 1. Abnormal Bleeding Certain medications may thin your blood or interfere […]

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Guarding Your Child’s Grin: Dentist Columbus Advocates for Mouthguard Use in Sports | 68601 Dentist

May 15, 2024

When it comes to children participating in sports, safeguarding their smiles is paramount. Dentist Columbus emphasizes the importance of mouthguards, integral protective gear that can prevent serious dental injuries and ensure young athletes play with confidence and safety. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), athletes who forego mouthguards are a staggering 60 times more […]

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Balancing Oral Care: Family 1st Dental – Columbus Weighs in on Over-Brushing | Dentist Near Me

May 1, 2024

In the realm of oral hygiene, brushing your teeth stands as a cornerstone for maintaining optimal dental health. Yet, could there be a point where brushing becomes excessive? Family 1st Dental – Columbus delves into the nuances of over-brushing to shed light on this crucial aspect of oral care. The American Dental Association (ADA) advocates […]

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Decrease Your Odds of Hypertension | Dentist in Columbus

April 15, 2024

You may be unaware of how your oral health can be an indicator of your overall health.  The warning signs of systemic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, can often be found by during a routine examination at our dental office.  You may be surprised to find out that hypertension (high blood pressure) […]

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Chew on This: Foods for Healthy Teeth | Dentist Near Me

April 1, 2024

No time to brush or floss your teeth? When brushing or flossing isn’t convenient, you can still keep your mouth feeling fresh by eating certain foods. When you’re on the go or in a hurry, try grabbing one of these foods to munch on to help fight plaque and keep your teeth healthy.   Cheese provides […]

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Unexpected Ways to Use Toothpaste | Dentist In Columbus NE

March 15, 2024

Toothpaste does a great job of cleaning teeth, but there are many other uses for toothpaste that you might not expect. The same ingredients that help polish our teeth can also soothe some common ailments, make items sparkle, and get rid of stains and pungent smells. Read these tricks on how toothpaste can do much […]

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The Power of Smiling: Why It’s Good for Your Health and Well-being | 68601 Dentist

March 1, 2024

Smiling is often described as the universal language of happiness. It is a simple gesture that can convey warmth, positivity, and openness. But did you know that smiling is also good for your health and well-being? In this blog, we will explore the reasons why smiling is good for you. Smiling has been found to […]

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Dentist Columbus

Deciphering Tooth Sensitivity | Dentist in Columbus

Tooth sensitivity often proves to be an irksome and uncomfortable ordeal. It manifests as a sharp or shooting pain triggered by stimuli such as extreme temperatures, sweet or sour foods, or even mere exposure to air. Statistics suggest that around […]

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Deciphering the Role of Sugar in Cavities: Insights from Family 1st Dental | Columbus Dentist

Sugar often bears the brunt of blame for cavity formation, but the truth behind dental caries, or cavities, is more nuanced. These dental issues stem from bacteria in the mouth that metabolize carbohydrates, including sugar, to produce acid. This acid […]

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Unveiling the Connection Between Gum Disease and Cancer: Insights from Family 1st Dental – Columbus | 68601 Dentist

Gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease, poses a significant oral health challenge affecting millions worldwide. Stemming from bacterial infection of the gum tissue, it triggers inflammation, bleeding, and, if left untreated, eventual tooth loss. While traditionally linked to oral […]

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